Is an island nation of the Greater Antilles, 234 kilometres (145 mi) in length and as much as 80 kilometres (50 mi) in width situated in the Caribbean Sea. It is about 145 kilometres (90 mi) south of Cuba, and 190 kilometres (120 mi) west of the island of Hispaniola
Christopher Columbus arrived in 1494 there were over 200 villages ruled by chiefs or caciques, with the south coast of Jamaica being the most populated, especially around what is now known as Old Harbour
During the 1650s, the British captured Jamaica from the Spanish.
After almost five hundred years of European occupation and governance, Jamaica gained its independence from Britain on August 6, 1962.
Two important and significant changes – universal adult suffrage in 1944 and independence from Britain in 1962 - set the stage for a people once conquered, controlled and constrained, to become themselves the architects of a new nation.

A diagonal gold cross divides the flag into two black triangles and two green ones. Opposite triangles have the same colours. "Hardships there are, but the land is green and the sun shineth"

Although ackee is not indigenous to Jamaica, we have embraced it as our own, making it our national fruit, and a key ingredient of our national dish - ackee and saltfish, which is usually served for breakfast or brunch. A delicious fruit and a local favourite, it is also a part of our everyday diet.
Our National Anthem
Eternal Father, bless our land
Guard us with Thy mighty hand
Keep us free from evil powers
Be our Light through countless hours
To our leaders, Great Defender
Grant true wisdom from above
Justice, truth, be ours forever
Jamaica, land we love
Jamaica, Jamaica
Jamaica, land we love
Teach us true respect for all
Teach us true respect for all
Stir response to duty's call
Strengthen us, the weak, to cherish
Give us vision, lest we perish
Knowledge send us, Heavenly Father
Grant true wisdom from above
Justice, truth be ours forever
jamaica, land we love
Jamaica, Jamaica
Jamaica, land we love
Jamaica, Jamaica
Jamaica, land we love
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