christmas in spain
the days of party are:
In december:
24 - 25-31
in jenuary:
24:good night (noche buena) this day the family celebrate because in the night come santa clouse.
the family supper and...
the family supper and...
- after have supper santa clouse come
- they are going to sleep and tomorrow in the morning have gifts to santa clouse
25:is christmas!!
31:this they is the complete of the yearand in the the complet hour (12) have 12 grapes (one for secon)
I think that this day it is for passing it with the friends.
1: I think that the people one rises late and see the concert of new year
6: come the reyes magos (magical kings) and she is just like santa clouse but the magical kings come in camel and is three melchor gaspar and baltasar