Thursday, November 30, 2006
In 1989 asrpaned was replaced by a faster version called "internet protocol" or " internet" ( inter for international and net for network)in 1996 it had 10 million users in 150 countries . Every day there are 15 new sites and 2000 more users .Today it brings the world together by creating an electronic global village.
internet is fantastic because in any site of the world you take a computer and you have a information on which you want.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

this is a music of estonia^
this is his hymn!!
Mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm,
Kui kaunis oled sa!
Ei leia mina iial teal
See suure laia ilma peal,
Mis mull' nii armas oleks ka
Kui sa mu isamaa!
Sa oled mind ju sünnitand
Ja üles kasvatand;
Sind tänan mina alati
Ja jään sul truuks surmani!
Mul kõige armsam oled sa,
Mu kallis isamaa!
Su üle Jumal valvaku,
Mu armas isamaa!
Ta olgu sinu kaitseja
Ja võtku rohkest' õnnista'
Mis iial ette võtad sa,
Mu kallis isamaa!
his capital is tallinn of 443000 inhabitants, his language is similar to finlandes also speak to Russian ucraniano and eanglish
the country is plenty of plains and of forests and the temperature is humeda and fresh his government is the republica
Estonjia key in being able of the state German and Sweden but ne and year 1920 Soviet Russia recognized the independence of Estonia
We are making a project with estonia in english. We were spoken with them and they by mails instantaneous mail or video coferencs this is very fanny
the music of radio
the foto and the hymn of the page web this click
and other webs ...